ActivePure INDUCT

ActivePure INDUCT
Link On Air
ActivePure® INDUCT units install directly into residential or commercial HVAC systems to remove surface and airborne contaminants including VOCs, odors, dust, pet dander, and other allergens. The system uses ActivePure® Technology and has been tested in independent labs and proven effective on bacteria, viruses, mold and fungi, on surfaces and in the air.

ActivePure® technology is completely safe to use 24 hours a day for both humans and pets, does not damage sensitive equipment and does produce ozone residues.
Solitamente spedito in: N/D
  • 0Giacenza:

UM: Unità


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Contatta un esperto

  • Per l'installazione in sistemi HVAC
  • Destroys up to 99.99% of pathogens in the air and on surfaces and is effective against bacteria, viruses, molds, odors and VOCs
  • Non genera residui di ozono (0,00 ppm).
  • Nessuna ventola, nessuna parte in movimento.
  • Bassa manutenzione - poca pulizia richiesta.
  • Luce UVC ad alta intensità. Utilizza le stesse proprietà di ossidazione e ionizzazione della luce solare.

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